The SA-URG project, which was programmed under the first POCTEFA 21-27 call for proposals, will be presented during the International Disaster Response Meetings in Toulouse on April 26, 2024.
The SA-URG project, with a total budget of 2,643,523 € of which 65% (1,718,290 €) comes from ERDF funds through the Spain-France-Andorra cross-border cooperation program, has been programmed in the first call POCTEFA 21-27. The SA-URG project is a continuation of the EGALURG project to improve health care in emergencies and disasters through cooperation between border regions and the strengthening of emergency management and health care capacities in the cross-border territory. The official launch of SA-URG will take place in Toulouse, within the framework of the International Disaster Response Meetings, on April 26 at 8:45 am.
In this first call for projects POCTEFA 2021-2027 113 applications were received of which 83 have been programmed by the Programming Committee of the POCTEFA program. These 83 projects have 92.8 million euros from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) which finances 65% of the projects. The SA-URG project is part of the European Political Objective 4 A more social Europe, in priority 4 Building an inclusive and socially integrated area with the specific objective Ensuring equal access to health care, strengthening the resilience of health systems, including primary care, and promoting the transition from institutional care to care at family and local levels.