2nd International Disaster Response Meetings

Toulouse from April 24 to 26, 2024
The Toulouse Disaster Response Center (CRC) is organizing the 2nd International Disaster Response Meetings, which will bring together participants from 30 different nationalities, including the world's leading experts in disaster response, in Toulouse from April 24-26, 2024.
The SA-URG project will be presented within the framework of this Congress, on April 26, 2024 at 8:45 a.m., Room 15 - Teaching and Congress Center - Purpan:
European session: the trans-Pyrenean organization and response SA-URG Project - EFA083/01
Moderators: Dr Frank Van Trimpont, president of ECDM and president European Chapter WADEM, Brussels - Belgium and Dr Anna Ribera Cano, head of pediatric SMUR, SAMU 31, CHU Toulouse - France.
Legal security in cross-border care of severe trauma. Current situation and optimization of administrative difficulties - José Ramon Ropero Molina, Territorial Captain of Lleida and Alt Pirineu, Barcelona - Spain.
Border mapping: an intelligent decision support tool in the field of emergency medical aid - Dr Alfredo Echarri Sucunza, Head of Emergency and Health Transport Section of Navarra - Spain.
Challenges in the management of mountain health emergencies in Aragón - The importance of cross-border collaboration - Luis Canalejo Mendaza, Director of the Aragon Health Service Aragón - Spain
European Session: the transpyrenean organization and the response
Projet SA-URG - EFA083/01
Modérateurs :
- Dr Frank Van Trimpont, president of ECDM and president - European Chapter WADEM, Bruxelles - Belgique
- Dr Anna Ribera Cano, responsible medical SMUR pédiatrique, SAMU 31 - CHU Toulouse - France
8h45 - 9h05
Legal security in cross-border assistance to the poorest countries.
traumatismes majeurs. Current situation and optimization
administrative difficulties
José Ramon Ropero Molina, Territorial Captain of Lleida
et Alt Pirineu, Barcelone - Espagne
9h05 - 9h20
Cartographie de la frontière: un outil intelligent d'aide
to decision making in the field of emergency medical care
Dr Alfredo Echarri Sucunza, chef de la section des urgences
et des transports sanitaires urgents, service de santé de Navarre - Espagne
9h20 - 9h40
Challenges in the management of mountain health emergencies in Aragon -
The importance of cross-border collaboration for SALUD
Luis Canalejo Mendaza, Director of the Aragonese Health Service
Aragon - Spain